Friday, November 26, 2021

Mahalo Foil lovers,
this time we proudly present the tests runs of our well known project
refurbished Aclass cat on the foils. 
We move from our lake to the Adria side Portorož bay.

As I wrote before in blog the project was run in two steps

This time we cats some famous Bora wind in the bay, pushing the Luc
to handle with wind strength of 20knots+ in the gusts. This is the upper
limit for such a old cat adapted on the foils. All went well and Luc was
handling well the boat. Learning from each track more and more.
On such a single hand sailing cat the sailor must to put a lot of
effort on the trim of the boat! In all it is nice t see the L foil works well,
means the calculation of the foils and the construction was right done.
On the foils side the Windknife verticals was used /price, accessibility/
from there the molds for "L" foils was made. The same on the rudders,
ALU verticals and CFK rudder foils. To grain on the sustainability side
the wing spar was made from flax fiber composites, this is unique and
For the future we are looking for to use more of this materials also on the foils! 
As far we know this is the first cat on the foils in the region, build and sailed!

Thanks to all the crew members for support, the JK Pirat for the friendly stay,
Tina Mrak for the boat support, Moth flat to join us on the water.
Photo documentation as well the short video

Stay tuned