Saturday, June 18, 2016

Final wood school exhebition

mid of the week in my son Lucian school they set up the final exhebition of wooden products!
Here some photos from there!

The whole galley on G+

The students show up more then perfect products done as final exam! After for years of study on wood technology and working, the results are brilliant! From classical furniture, over modern ones, instruments, sport products!

The official school gallery 

Concert and Knight's perform a Game of Thrones.

in last moment I get the info for Concert and Knight's perform a Game of Thrones.
As well the Juggling group Cupakabra, may old friends was there! 
The fire performance of the best from Them on the music from Carmina Burana /link to/
See the photos in my galleries!

Cupakabra fire performance Gallery

The whole event was followed with the marsh Band and Knights performance, official info

Nice pre Summer evening with a lot of good music and teatral performance, missing some friends,
to be there to enjoy together!


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Moth sail camber spacer

here one quick project the Moth sail camber spacer. I get the request from Luka for spacers
and the cad drawing was done, the parts are printed on 3d! Later I found out I need this spacers too!
Two separate thickens of spacers for fine adjustment, 3 and 4mm!
To have parts easy recognized the nr.3 and nr.4 is add into part! Nice ;-)

Here are the links to the 3d files, feel free to service yourself!
3mm spacer
4mm spacer

The part is printed from PLA 1,75mm 0,2mm layer!

up to next time