Friday, August 31, 2012

Aug update nr.2 Moth worlds At Garda visit

Somehow if the worlds come so close, it is must to see them! With Luc we was drive 500km
to Garda lake in Campione! Web page of the worlds here
Something special about this community of sailing, we spend great days there, with weary
special people! Many thanks to D team and Markus Steeg to give us the chance to
folow the race from the support boat. We meet French team who provide us with second
hand sail, which will replace the old Axeman sail! To Mach2 "father" Andrew McDougall,
for clear discusions on technical side of the Moth itself and the class! The new hydrofoils
was well presented and also clear accepted.

Sailing heaven on the Lake Garda

 Hydrofoils discussion to the details

 Luc helping Andrew to rework/adjust the wand mechanism

 Dug in action A3202

Moths in action!

Some more shots in Picasa album!

Aug update nr.1 The recorder stand

Walking around the word with open eyes, we have as product designers, this opurtunity to
see the "problems" on products. Exactly this happened with Mateja Bajt and her recorder stand!

Mateja Bajt studied the recorder at the Music School in Radovljica (Slovenia), and continued her studies with Prof. H. M. Kneihs at the Hochschule für Music in Vienna (Austria) In 1994 she finished her studies of methodology and in 1997 her concert studies with distinction. She received a special award from the Austrian Ministry of Science for her outstanding achievements. In 1998 she specialized in chamber and contemporary music. She teaches recorder on University and Conservatory of Music in Ljubljana.

Here is the link to last year concert at Radovljica music Festival

Mateja have from her professionalism, huge selection of recorders, some of them are top range of 
instruments themselves. So nice instruments need special care to be handling! The idea was born
after some discussion with her! Seeing the, close to 30 recorders stored, for my eyes
on inappropriate, recorder stand, the brain tornado with the help of volcano of ideas from her side,
give us the clean idea what the new stand will be! It take almost a year to finish the product!
It was worth for it!

From some early computer renderings, to clean the idea and set up the geometry, technology,
materials the R&D go step by step forward! 

The M_Pyramid was finalizing in workshop as the art design prototype!
The product is tribute and gift to Mateja and her recorders!

M-pyramid pictures with original recorders will follow as soon we find timing with Mateja,
on her busy scheduling!

The whole geometry follow well proved old Egyptian pyramids geometry, the recorders need
right energy for liveliness & love too!  Wood block on the bottom is done from American walnut,
the top transparent holders from acrylic glass! The recorders are rested on carbon fiber polls,
different lengths! The wood block get drawer for small parts which are in use to clean the recorders
and take care! Under acrylic Pyramid with two floors, on the wood layer the Celtic V-cut find the place! 
In all the special product was created and future ideas of 1/3 and 2/3 size recorder holder
are on the way! Lets see what the future show!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Luc on Axeman Moth foiling

again one good day on local lake Bled, this time Lucijan /14y/ on
boat practice to foil with moth boat! And this time too, the new foils are proved
and bring him over the water flying. The wind conditions was difficult because of
south wind, which is not constant and strong in gusts. He did it, congratulation,
he sign in the club of young foiles ;-)
Now the race begin for the max speed, soon I will be the looser ;-)
But I don't give up, will be hard race ;-) Go Luc fo it!